Hall of Fame and Life Member inductions
We had the great honour of inducting two Hall of Famers and three Life Members at our AGM on Monday, 8 May.
Football superstars Colin Hunt and John Polkinghorne were added to our prestigious Hall of Fame in recognition of their stellar football careers, while Ray Gluyas, Richard Start and Murray Loader were made life members for their tireless efforts for our club over many years. Congratulations to all – and thank you for all you have given to our club over many years.
Colin, John, Ray, Murray and Richard will be formally honoured Hall of Fame/Life Members luncheon at the Sports Club on May 27 when we play Sebastopol.
Tickets are $25 a head and are available via https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1048831 or from the Sports Club.
Financial update
At the AGM, members were given an update on the financial results of both the North Ballarat Football Netball Club and the North Ballarat Sports Club.
The NBFNC recorded a loss of $168,000 and the NBSC recorded a loss of $1,064,098. After writing off assets of $829,475 and depreciation and amortization of $335,707, the Sports Club recorded a cash profit of approximately $100,000.
The results are disappointing in both cases, and the reasons for the performance are complex. Both boards are committed to working together to turn them around. That work started some early in 2022 and as a result, both organisations produced better results that was anticipated at one stage during the year.
Our new General Manager, Patrick Thornton, has been working to consolidate this work and has already made some changes which will improve both the bottom line and the experience of members and guests to the Sports Club.
What can members do to help? It is as simple as visiting the club with family and friends and enjoying the hospitality on offer. We look forward to seeing you there!
Board structure
The AGM saw new members elected to the board. After 12 months as Chair of NBFNC. Ange Carey had to step back from the role due to work commitments, but remains a member of the board.
In 2023, the NBFNC board membership is as follows:
The NBSC membership is:
Amalgamation of boards
After the AGM, the two boards met and agreed to begin a process to amalgamate and become one board governing both the NBFNC and the NBSC.
An amalgamation would require the support of the membership via a vote and our first step is to prepare information for members so they can fully understand the reasoning and benefits of merging the two boards and moving to a single governance process.
The process is in its very early stages and members will receive further information on the process in the coming months. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please speak with a board member.
Commonwealth Games update
Members may have seen some media coverage this week referencing a move by our club to Miners Rest to allow for the Commonwealth Games to be staged at Mars Stadium.
NBFNC has not been offered, nor agreed to, any move to Miners Rest. We were invited to attend the media announcement the evening before it was held.
While NBFNC is supportive of Commonwealth Games being held in Ballarat in 2026 and the opportunities it will bring to our city, we are committed to ensuring our club is not unfairly or unreasonably disadvantaged. We continue to seek clarification from the State Government and City of Ballarat on the full implications of the Games for our Club, including the nature of facilities proposed at Miners Rest and the timing and extent of disruptions. We have stressed to both the City of Ballarat and the State Government that any alternative facilities need to be fit-for-purpose for both footballers and netballers at junior and senior levels, and accommodate not just our playing needs, but our social and fundraising needs.
We are mindful that we are not the only club who will be disrupted by this move and want to ensure that alternative facilities will work for our competitors as well.
New netball facilities
The latest advice we have from the City of Ballarat is that our new netball rooms will be finished in mid-July. This is more than 12 months after the schedule completion date and is disappointing, but we do look forward to having these facilities ready to use.
We have raised our concerns with council around the potentially dangerous mix of traffic and pedestrians in the area and have asked council to re-instate portable toilets in the precinct to avoid the need to cross the car park. We have also asked for some signage or a pedestrian walkway to be clearly marked to help ensure the safety of people as they move between Mars Stadium and the netball courts.
Players, officials and supporters are asked to take extra care in the precinct.
Club 500 opportunity
Our Club 500 is an important fundraiser for our club. We currently have limited spare spots in the weekly draw.
Only 50 tickets are available for this exclusive draw, so your chances of winning $500 each week are high!
Entry is $20 a week and a 12-month commitment is required. As well as the weekly $500 draw, there is an annual $2000 draw.
For full details on how to register, visit northballaratfnc.com.au/club500 or talk to Ben Gibbs or Ange Carey.
Upcoming social events
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